Slow work

One of the benefits of textile work is that on days when I "don't really wanna do the work" (see my reel from yesterday!), picking up a needle or sitting at my loom allows me to make space for myself without requiring me to bulldoze my resistance.

The repetitive, slow, tactile nature of working with thread leaves my nervous system alone and allows it to gently regulate itself, without me feeling like I'm "forcing" myself into anything.

And no matter how much I try to bury my head in the sand or cover my ears to what my being is telling me, once I am in the silence of thread, it becomes difficult to ignore my inner voice for very long. It's as if each stitch is connecting me to myself, working in against disconnection in the material world.

Would you like to experience the creative and healing power of thread? The Moonlit Path is opening to a new group of travelers next year, on a journey of self exploration and expression.

TextileLaure Porche