Weaver of live threads


Letting go of helplessness

My approach is rooted in a desire to restore humans into their creative capacity, strength and flexibility. In every case, I start from the body, because no healing process can bypass it.

Whatever our life experience, our body keeps a trace of it. Emotional and physical traumas live in our tissues until we release them, and influence our choices and our states of being.

My intention is always to create a space in which all facets of your being (physical, emotional, mental, energetic) are welcomed and acknowledged with kindness, to allow you to let go of what is no longer relevant today or what stands in the way of your well-being, be it physical or emotional.

I create environments, experiences, pathways, because the body and the subconscious mind, which are responsible for 95% of our decisions and reactions, respond only to sensations, metaphors, and embodied experience.

Click here to see my trainings and teachers :)

My other lives

I have been fortunate enough to live a multitude of lives, sometimes successively, sometime simultaneously. All that I have done or do, I started in childhood:

My love for singing and dancing brought me to the stage for ten years.

My insatiable reading and literary ancestry opened fifteen years of reading and translating children’s lit for Hachette/Little Brown, and a lifelong love affair with words and stories.

My first clumsy stitches with my grandmother were turned into a daily practice and a passion for all things textile twelve years ago.

My childhood of speaking about humans’ ways with my psychotherapist mother (my bedroom served as her waiting room) has brought me a constant thirst for understanding people and how to help them become empowered, which I now do in my career as a therapist.

 Thread therapy


My relationship with thread begun very early, but it really took off about ten years ago when I started knitting again. From knitting, I quickly moved on to spinning, then weaving, before venturing into embroidery, patchwork, dyeing...without abandoning the rest of course! And in these textile practices, I found much more than a hobby or a DIY craft.

What nourishes me most in textiles is the sensory aspect, the material, the infinite textures. Working with thread forces you to rediscover the nuances of touch, perception through skin, this primal relationship to life that takes us directly back to our first moments. Fabric, fiber, thread, all speak to our nervous system and recharge us. They allow us to explore our inner recesses through instinct, and are a fantastic tool of expression.


The slowness of thread work incites us to be present with ourselves and triggers the parasympathetic nervous system, which calms the natural "fight or flight" reaction to stress. The gestures themselves are meditative. Textile creation has a deep symbolic and ancestral resonance, as it connects us to all those who came before us : many of them performed the same gestures. And of course, thread speaks of bonding, knots, connections... a whole glossary of relating that allows us to work on our relationship to others, to family, to ourselves...

After concretely experiencing the magical dimension of thread by creating intention-infused objects for shamanic practitioners between 2016 and 2019, I have been bringing textile work into my therapeutic practice since 2020, primarily in groups and through my online program, The Moonlit Path. The next step was to offer individual support through textile, and this is now a reality!