The power of stories


As today is Camp NanoWriMo's first day, I thought it would be a good opportunity to introduce another side of my work.
Story has been at the heart of my life ever since I was a child. Some of you may know I have another career as a reader/translator/literary coach specialised in children's/YA lit. My love of story is a fixture in my work as a therapist as well. So much of healing is about one's story, and how to hear it with new ears or see it with new eyes. Story is the golden key to the door of the subconscious, to reach places you could never reach with linear understanding. It is a journey into possibilities and dimensions, and a story well told, to the right person, at the right moment, can open up the world for them.

I'm currently in the process of recording a podcast about the place of story and creativity in healing and the human soul, and I'm so excited to share these conversations with you come Fall. If you know anyone in the healing/therapy/writing/arts world who you know would have a lot to say about story and creativity, DM me their info so I can reach out for an interview!
And you, which story changed your life?

MusingsLaure Porche