

What steps do you go through, before you let go of your resistance and yield to life, to reality, to what is needed?

I usually go through a few rounds of digging my heels while wringing my hands and banging my head against the wall. I can see myself doing it, but I've also lived with myself long enough to know that the faster I go through that phase, the better. Thankfully I have good friends who will put up with me as I counter all their helpful suggestions with different versions of "Resistance! I refuse! I protest!"🙂 Then finally after moving all this air around, I've exhausted myself, and I just have to sit with both my resistance and what I'm resisting. And there, magic! Just by being allowed to exist side by side, neither thing is an obstacle anymore, and I am freed from resistance's straightjacket, able to feel the flow of life again.

What are you resisting today? Can you sit with that thing and your resistance to it at the same time, trying to change neither? What happens as a result?

MusingsLaure Porche