Soul tending

Very often, our difficulties come from the fact that we lack tools to distinguish the part of ourselves that reacts to life: is it the injured child of yesteryear, or the adult that we are today? Is our family system speaking through us? Is it our mind, to whom we have given so much power that we cannot go against his beliefs?

Learning to discern the part of us that really suffers and to deal with it, as well as to separate what belongs to us and what has been passed on to us, is a necessary step on the road to self-knowledge.


Individual sessions are a good option if you wish to make a profound change in the way you function in the world. They can help you if you are looking for more freedom, lightness, autonomy, confidence, emotional capacity, relational harmony, etc...

With tools that are both body-oriented (somatic awareness, polarity therapy, etc.) and self-regulation inspired (meeting the inner child, visualization, etc.), our goal is to reduce your physical and moral pain and to change your relationship with yourself, away from internal conflicts that prevent you from living serenely.

My aim is to support your unique growth and capacity for self-healing while staying grounded in the world that surrounds you, be it professionally or personally.

I open only 4 slots per month.

More information on the modalities I use: this way !

Techniques: cranio-sacral therapy, polarity therapy, inner child healing, compassionate inquiry, constellations, visualization, therapeutic metaphors, somatic awareness.

1h online sessions: sliding scale $125-$150