

Very often, I only see the knots. I see the tangles and the snarls, and I get caught up in how to untangle them, or want to throw the whole skein away.

One of my mentors said to me today "where is the grace you give yourself for what you do?", and it hit a cord that resonated with dozens of reasons why I can't give myself grace yet, it's not good enough, I'm not getting what I want yet, it's still rough and anyway, nobody "gets it". Dozens of really, really bad excuses to keep abusing myself over the fact that "I'm not there yet". Guess what: I'll never be there. There will always be another challenge, another idea, another bridge to cross.

So in the meantime, I'm going to start appreciating the bridges that I did cross, the ideas that I did manifest, the challenges that I did overcome, and I invite you to do the same. How about you spend some time today giving yourself grace for what you've done and who you are?

MusingsLaure Porche