

For the past two months, in The Moonlit Path course, we have been questioning the themes of "The Night - Wholeness - Shadows" and "The Soul - Solitude- Light".

As always when I lead a group, these questions came up very clearly for me in my daily life and practice. In spiritual circles, there is a tendency to value the light, to "sell it" as something desirable. Of course, who wouldn't want to be in the light, to live a life of love, of beauty, of spirituality?
But for me, reality is more complex than that. I do not feel that light is more desirable or more comfortable than shadow. They are equal in terms of richness and difficulty. They are equally interesting, equally uncomfortable. Equally familiar to my body and my subconscious, which make all my decisions more or less without my knowledge.

This makes me constantly re-evaluate my positioning in relation to what I convey and what I manifest, because unconsciously I have as much attraction for the shadow as for the light, for the difficulty as for the ease. I think that this is the case for many of us.

For example, "I work best in the shadows" is a belief I have, which creates a huge resistance to bringing my work into the light (hence my delayed embracing of social networks). So I have to consciously deconstruct this belief if I want to increase my visibility while staying in alignment with myself. And maybe in deconstructing it, I will discover some truth within the belief.

For many people, the traumas they have experienced make the light (happiness, love, joy) much more terrifying than the shadow. Here again, awareness is paramount. What information has the body recorded? What is familiar? What beliefs are in place about happiness? There is no point in bulldozing reality with mantras and affirmations. First, be with what is. Honor shadow and light equally . Both are priceless masters in the human experience.

MusingsLaure Porche